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Proceedings, book of abstracts and CD

  • All Abstracts submitted through INDICO at conference web-site, will be collected by the Organizing Committee and distibuted on a CD rom to all registered partecipants.
  • The Proceeding of the NRC8 will be published and distributed to the registered partecipants, after a period of time suitable to collect the Extended Papers (6-8 pages). The deadline for submitting the extended papers to the Editor, will be communicated later during the Conference.
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Registrants List

Registrants List

Book of abstracts

Book of Abstracts

Upload presentation

It is possible to upload your presentation or your poster on INDICO.

You can access the contributions for which you can submit material by selecting My contributions (you may be redirected to the login page) from the menu in the event homepage. This will take you to your submission area and will list the contributions for which you can submit material.

You can found other instruction here.

Poster NRC8_2.jpg